The Lost Weekend: A Love Story release

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©️ May Pang

Every single time new content about John Lennon is released, the fans immediately become extremely excited and anxious – wanting nothing more than to get their hands on new material to be fascinated about for days and more days. And when the “The Lost Weekend: A Love Story” was announced it was no different.

The movie tells the moments John Lennon spent with his then girlfriend May Pang during his 18 months away from the Dakota. Told by May herself, the movie is certainly a deep dive into her days with one of the greatest rock stars ever, who is also the beautifully complex man we love. It is an excellent way to understand what happened during those years, for the ones who haven’t yet got the chance to read her book and for the ones who did read but want to have a visual experience of it, it is a delightful way refresh your memory about the whole period.

From incredible collaborations with other great artists such as David Bowie and Elton John, seeing an UFO, and randomly bumping into Paul McCartney and Linda while in the middle of traffic – what later turned into an legendary jam session that not many people know about – the Lost Weekend: A Love Story contains the autobiographical view of May’s early days as the Lennons’ assistant, her romance with John, her long lasting and close friendship with Julian Lennon, as well as rare and previously unseen pictures of John and – hold your breath – even some videos!

It is, without a doubt, a must-watch for every John fan! And you can now order it!

Back in March of this year, we were invited by May’s team to watch the movie during a online premiere screening – and with May herself!

The wonderful experience to watch it kept us awake in pure excitement for days and, luckily for us, from the few questions May answered that day after the screening, two of ours were chosen. And you can read her beautiful answers here:

Since we shared on social media that we watched the movie, Brazilian fans contacted us weekly wanting to know when they would be able to watch it here as well. They wanted the whole experience, they wanted to gather friends who are also fans, go to the movies and enjoy John’s journey during the mid 70s. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. But in August we got the news we were so expecting, the movie was to be released in DVD versions so to be accessible for everybody around the globe.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, when we went to pre-order the Blu Ray and the digital version of the movie, we discovered that it was not available for Brazilians to purchase it. Obviously frustrated but still imagining we wouldn’t be left behind completely, we contacted the Lost Weekend social media team and were told by them the great news that the release on our country is going to happen soon after the USA and Canada’s. So we are hoping we all will be able to buy it – and we are hoping South Americans in general – within the next few weeks! And let’s wait for correct translated subtitles so every fan can understand it!

If you are from North America, you can already order the version of the movie that suits you the best! You can find it on Prime Video, YouTube or Apple TV to rent or buy. And we can guarantee you that you are going to have an amazing time watching it!

We, once again, thank May for sharing not only the story itself but also her fantastic archives of her precious moments with John, and with Julian as well! Every shared information and image allow us get to know John a bit more and love him even deeper.

The Nowhere Fans – Oct 15, 2023