The Nowhere Fans’ #LENNONDAY Project of 2023

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Back in 2021, when we started our fan account, we decided that we wanted to always honor John, daily but also even more on important dates. As we live far away from the special places that have incredible events to celebrate John’s birthday, such as the Strawberry Fields in New York City, we realized that many people go through the same and that they would, just like us, love to celebrate John’s day with other fans. And we wanted to celebrate that with John’s fans all over the world! So we, every year, come up with something and do so in a beautiful way; we call them projects. A week before October 9th fans on social media dedicate some moments of their lives to write down their affection for John, and on the day itself, we all gather through our project and by using the #LENNONDAY hashtag.

For our project of 2023 we received over 200 messages from people whose lives were evidently and effectually changed by John, whether through his music, through his art works, through activism or through his genuine believe in love.

You can watch the video here:

Thank you everybody who share all the admiration you feel for John with us. We are extremely glad to have us all together for him, honestly we couldn’t be happier. Undoubtedly, he felt all the energies, wishes and love we sent him on his 83rd birthday.

Let’s hope that we’ll celebrate John’s 84th birthday in a more peaceful world!


The Nowhere Fans – Oct. 9, 2023