Meet us

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We are not the Walrus! That’s John (or Paul! Or both, depending on the point of view)! We are The Nowhere Fans!

The partnership between us (Mariana and Di) started back in 2020 when in the middle of what we used to call Twitter we met. After a feel really excited conversations about our big love for the legendary John Lennon, we started to noticed that we were more alike than we first realized. It wasn’t long after, in 2021, that feeling we were missing more tributes accounts dedicated to help spread more real and coherent information about Johnny Boy we decided to do it ourselves and our account was created in March of that year.

The first challenge was, of course, to choose a name for our fan base. On one random day, feeling sleepy and a bit frustrated with my creativity, Nowhere Man started playing in my head and, my mind being already prepared to turn everything into little John’s kind of phonetic puns, started singing, “She’s a real Nowhere Fan, living in her Nowhere Land…” So that was it then, a cute little play word that would fit perfectly our goals and reflect a bit of John’s playful creativity.

John’s the Nowhere Man, so each one of us is a Nowhere Fan.

After a few years of daily publications on social medias, and our love for John having grown only bigger and more intense, we understood that we could and we should do more and a website could definitely match our skills. We dedicate a large part of our every day lives to read, study, research and write about John, doing that for him, with a lot of respect for his beliefs and legacy, and for the fans like us who, unfortunately, didn’t have the opportunity to meet him but that are still looking forward to know him and his fascinating history better.

Welcome to our Nowhere Land!

Our Team

Meet the Nowhere Fans!

Mariana Fraga


Graduated in Modern Languages and Literature

Writer and researcher of John Lennon’s life and legacy

Social Media Manager


A John Lennon fan since 2019

Everyday doing the best possible to give the world some truth about a lunatic poet musician


Ingryd Medeiros


History Bachelor’s student

Business and marketing training


A John Lennon fan since 2019

Everyday spreading facts and news about the life, art and legacy of the Nowhere Man

